Children International

Children International

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Son Tours Partners with Children International to Help Children Transform Their Lives

We have one goal at Son Tours: the safe and effective development of your children. It’s why we ensure quality, full-service educational tours all over the US. It’s also why we’ve partnered with Children International, a nonprofit global humanitarian organization that provides children and youth across the globe with programs designed to clear the path out of poverty.

What is Children International?

There are more than a billion children living in poverty. 57 million kids not in school. 795 million undernourished men, women and children.

Children International’s vision is to end poverty for good. It’s a massive undertaking, but through a proven approach that addresses health, education, empowerment and employment, the Kansas City-based organization has been helping children, youth and their families since 1936.

Son Tours founder John Nelson has witnessed firsthand the transformational work Children International makes possible. For over three years, John has sponsored four children: two in the Dominican Republic, one in India and one in the Philippines. The Son Tours family is proud to announce this partnership with Children International and is excited about giving our customers the ability to be a part of a wonderful cause.

When you donate through Son Tours, whether you’re booking a student tour or not, we’ll match your donation amount. With Children International, your money goes towards the expansion of programs all over the world that empower children and teens to lift themselves out of poverty.

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If you want to learn more about Children International and their mission, visit their website.

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